
Sex Crimes



Florida’s sex crime laws are harsh, with expensive fines and significant prison time. A conviction also carries stigma affecting jobs, housing, and relationships. If investigated or arrested for a sex crime, contact an attorney immediately to advocate for your freedom.

The penalties for conviction are severe, including years behind bars and a lifetime of stigma. But an arrest does not mean your case is hopeless. At Call Connor Law, we have successfully defended clients against charges like sexual battery, lewd conduct, solicitation of a minor, child pornography, and more. As experienced sex crimes defense attorneys, we are ready to aggressively challenge the prosecution’s evidence and build a strong defense on your behalf.

Why Choose Call Connor Law?


  • Extensive Experience: Former Assistant State Attorney

  • Personalized Representation: Tailors defense strategies for each client

  • Commitment to Justice: Potects your rights to achieve the best possible outcome

  • Free Consultations: Cnsultation at no charge to discuss your case.

Contact Us

A sex offense is generally non-consensual, unlawful sexual conduct or behavior. Charges range from misdemeanors to felonies depending on severity, force, or threats.

They can be forcible – without consent and involving violence. Or non-forcible – no violence but illegal due to inability to consent.

Types Include:

  • Prostitution
  • Sexual battery
  • Child pornography
  • Indecent exposure
  • Lewd and lascivious acts
  • Failure to register as a sex offender


Penalties depend on the crime, victim age and mental state, and prior convictions. Misdemeanors include prostitution and indecent exposure. Felonies include failure to register, child pornography, and third prostitution offense. Sexual battery is a 2nd degree felony with up to 15 years prison. Punishments often include probation and mandatory sex offender registration.

The stakes could not possibly be higher for your future if you are accused of a sex crime. The damage to your reputation alone can destroy your livelihood. You need a lawyer who will fight tooth and nail to defeat these life-altering charges. At Call Connor Law, we have the skills and determination to be that lawyer for you. Do not hesitate – contact our Tallahassee office now for dedicated defense. We are standing by 24/7 to take your call.

Let’s Work Together

Call Connor Law   850-570-9476